Monday 23 May 2011

Sonic Youth Top 3

If you’re a big Sonic Youth fan -one that has every album, who has seen them numerous times, who may know the strange guitar tunings of their songs - and you ask them what their top three Sonic Youth albums are then I doubt that many would have Dirty up there. Why? Well because it’s the most successful one, when they were on a major label and a MTV staple.
Sonic Youth obsessive’s can be a contrarian lot and would be more likely to say they prefer the debut record Confusion Is Sex or Bad Moon Rising - which apart from the song Death Valley 69 is a plain awful mess.
Sure Dirty is a more commercial sounding that previous albums, but as short and poppy the lead off track 100% is, the intro is fifteen seconds of noise made by a drumstick sliding on the guitar strings which continues all the way through.
So for the record, my top three is:
1 Dirty
2 Daydream Nation
3 Sister