Friday 13 May 2011

Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe

Nobody buys CD singles anymore, it all about downloads. Nobody cares who’s top of the singles charts anyway, that’s why Top Of The Pops isn’t on TV anymore. The CD single was confirmed dead the moment that Woolworths stopped selling them. Now Woolworths is dead.
Anyway, yesterday I but on a CD single from the Swedish band Whale. I hadn’t played in years and wasn’t expecting it to date well. But I was wrong.
The song Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe came out in 1995 and was an ‘MTV hit’ as they used to say back then. That was when MTV was only one channel and actually played music videos. With its goofy but instantly catchy chorus it felt like it was always only going to be a one hit wonder (maybe that’s why I only have the single and not the album) and it was. A couple or so years later I learnt from a Swedish friend of mine that the band was always meant to be a bit of a joke as it was formed by a well known Swedish comedian called Henrik Schyffert.
I don’t think that makes Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe a novelty comedy song though, as its so much better than that.

Download an mp3 of Whale - Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe from here.