Tuesday 12 July 2011


Around this time last year I got a self titled album by a band called Moonhearts. I played it once and then forgot about it. Until last week that is, and now its on heavy rotation. I know little about the Moonhearts. All I know is that they’re a three piece band that used to be called Charlie & the Moonhearts who play stripped down garage punk rock and are on Tic Tac Totally Records.
When I first gave them a listen it was just after I'd recently purchased the Gangliens album Monster Head Room. I think that took up my drenched in reverb rock quota for a while. Maybe I just needed to give Moonhearts one more listen.
Whatever, its doesn’t matter, it has my attention now. It’s a short energetic album, where the guitar is loud and the vocals are buried. There’s a few goofy titles (like Eat My Shorts) and a couple of mid tempo songs with strong melody’s. All which sound as if they have been recorded in a large bathroom.
I’m now going to see if I can get my hands on the album they did when they were called Charlie & the Moonhearts.

Download Moonhearts - I said mp3 from here