Friday 8 April 2011

The Strokes Angles, Worth A Listen?

From what I’ve heard of The Strokes new album Angles I don’t feel the need to investigate it much further. Nothing against them like, but there’s so much more music that I need to get around to listening to before I would consider spending some time with it. Sure I listen to songs from their fist album every so often as it’s got some great stuff on it, but their second album was a disapointment and their third even more so.
Will they ever surpass the first record? I’ll take a not so big gamble and so no. You see, when Is This It? came out with its driving rhythm section, spiky clean but gritty guitars and punchy choruses their sound was fully formed. So what do you do on the next album? Do you stick with the same winning formula or do something different? Stick with the same and get accused of being one dimensional. But if you do something different then it better be as good as the first album. It’s a tough call when the sound of the first album was so defined.
Maybe The Strokes should have stuck with the same sound, it didn’t hurt fellow New Yorker’s The Ramones (well until they went on for too long and become a parody of themselves). But then you don’t hear much of The Hives anymore who came out around the same time as The Strokes. They had a similar narrow sound and stuck with it. I guess that people got bored of the same thing.
As I said, it’s a tough call, but at least The Strokes didn’t change their sound to sound like U2 like how Kings of Leon and Coldplay did.

Get The Strokes: Gratisfaction mp3 Here