Sunday 24 April 2011

Jesus Songs For Easter

So its Easter, lets remember what Easter really is about. Well if you’re a kid then its mostly about chocolate eggs. If you’re like me then its about a few days off work. And of course for many its about recognising the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
When I typed Jesus into my iTunes library I noticed that there are a lot of great songs with Jesus in the title such as:
Jesus Hands - American Music Club
Jesus Built My Hotrod - Ministry
Jesus Gonna Be Here - Tom Waits
Jesus, Ect - Wilco
Jesus Gonna Make Up My Dying Bed - Josh White
Jesus And Tequila - Minutemen
Jesus Shooting Heroin - The Flaming Lips
Jesus Christ Pose - Soundgarden

But my favourite, or at least for today has to be the minimal stomping bass drum and two chords that is Walkin’ With Jesus by Spacemen 3. That song started something of a theme in Jason Peirce’s song writing, both with Spacemen 3 and Spiritualized with songs such as Lord Can You Hear Me?, Shine A Light, Lord Let It Rain On Me, Won’t Get To Heaven (The State I’m In). And a brilliant live recording of the gospel song Oh Happy Day. I don’t know if Jason Pierce is religious or if he's just drawn to the gravitas of the theme but its inspired him to write some great songs, and that’s just fine with me.

DL Spacemen 3: Walkin’ With Jesus mp3 from here