Monday 8 August 2011

Björk - Going Back To Debut

The last couple of days I’ve been listening to Björk’s first solo album Debut. Well its her first solo album if you don't include the one she recorded when she was eleven years old and the album of traditional Icelandic and jazz tunes.
The first time that I was aware of Bjork was when I saw an interview with her on MTV (back when MTV was worth watching). She was onset making the video for her first single Human Behaviour and spoke in an accent that I couldn’t place. When they played the video at the end of the interview it was clear that she didn’t sound like any other female pop singers. I was intrigued.
Venus As A Boy was another great single with a strange video, as was Play Dead (that was released as a single but not originally on Debut), but it wasn’t until I heard Big Time Sensuality that I realised that I really do like Bjork. It’s a song that I regularly listen to. A song that I never skip when it pops up on shuffle. And it has that great chord change at the start of the chorus. I never tire of it.
And another really good video.